Test Results

Your Results

When you attend for a test of any kind you should be told how long you should expect to wait for the results. Please bear this in mind and only call the surgery after sufficient time has elapsed. It may be better to phone in the afternoon when the reception is usually quieter. If you sign up for online services you will be able to check your own results on-line at any time, as soon as they have been checked by a doctor. You will also be able to compare them with previous results in your notes.

Please do not assume "no news is good news" in case the result has gone astray or we have tried and failed to reach you.

Most blood tests results are back in a few working days, but some tests, especially rarer ones may take longer. Just because one result is back, it does not mean they are all back. Most x-ray results are back within 7-10 days, but if a test suggests something serious, it is likely we will be told more quickly.

Our reception staff are not qualified to explain any results: they can only repeat the brief comment that the doctor has attached to the results, such as "normal" or "make appointment". Sometimes if the result is particularly sensitive (e.g. HIV test) or complicated, the doctor will recommend receiving the result in person.

getting your test results image

Normally results are sent to the doctor who ordered the test. If a hospital doctor orders a test, the GP may not receive the result and may even not know it has been done. You can contact the specialist's secretary to ask about results, although usually a hospital secretary will not provide a result directly- the secretary may ask a hospital doctor to phone you back or they may involve the GP. Routine hospital letters can take up to a month to reach us.

Please note that we do have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. In this respect we will only give out results to the person they relate to (or a parent/guardian for those under 16) unless that person has given prior permission for their release or there are special circumstances agreed by the doctor.

Telephoning For Results

It is possible to phone and ask for the results of blood tests or other investigations. Usually the GP attaches a brief comment to the results which the receptionist can relay to the patients- for example "normal", or "please make an appointment". You can also come to reception and ask for a print-out of any test results or they can be sent to you by e-mail.

Receptionists are not medically trained so they are unable to provide any information about test results, other than that provided by the doctor.  If you do have any questions, please book a telephone appointment.

GPs do not automatically receive results of tests requested by hospital doctors. In these cases, you may need to approach the hospital consultant's secretary in the first instance.  If the hospital doctors are unable to speak to you, the secretary may be able to email the result to us so that we can explain it.